BootMRMR - Bootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection
Selection of informative features like genes, transcripts, RNA seq, etc. using Bootstrap Maximum Relevance and Minimum Redundancy technique from a given high dimensional genomic dataset. Informative gene selection involves identification of relevant genes and removal of redundant genes as much as possible from a large gene space. Main applications in high-dimensional expression data analysis (e.g. microarray data, NGS expression data and other genomics and proteomics applications).
Last updated 9 years ago
1.65 score 1 dependents 15 scripts 197 downloadsdhga - Differential Hub Gene Analysis
Identification of hub genes in a gene co-expression network from gene expression data. The differential network analysis for two contrasting conditions leads to the identification of various types of hubs like Housekeeping, Unique to stress (Disease) and Unique to control (Normal) hub genes.
Last updated 9 years ago
1.00 score 10 scripts 145 downloads